donderdag 10 februari 2011

Hagström Super Swede

My Super Swede with broken wire from the both tone capacitor.,4,464981,468012#msg-468012

Here my repaired tone caps,

CnC hobby machine

Here I'm working on my first cnc machine I have no futher experience on this item.
No electronic background.
So the most info en steps, tricks I have to use the internet.

All hobby cncmachines website I have to visit, and look and read a lot how all the others doing it.


Orion XT10 repaired.

Orginal orion XT10 tube en then around it, a flexible lightweight wooden tube this because of the damage on the aluminium tube this was horrible and could not been fixed  perfectly, 
so the tube now is about 30 cm longer then the original XT10 tube.
Inside using black flocking.

this is a site were Eric has other telescope's build by himself, 
my XT10 was beïng repaired by Eric: 


Rome 4 dagen

4 dagen Rome

Kijk naar:  Welcome Piram Hotel

Kerken in overvloed, mooi, prac
Mijn you tube foto's: